Purposeful Vision
Growing up, so often I heard, “what do you want to be when you grow up?". The question itself taking on different forms as time went on, as I grew and matured. But at its root, it was always the same. It was a question I faced time and time again. My answer of course changed, I dreamed and dreamed of what I wanted to do. At first, it was being a pediatrician and then a psychologist which morphed into being a trauma nurse. I always dreamt of helping people, to give back and help someone in their life. But the thing was, I eventually found myself in a place of being unsure. I dreamt, I had goals.
I had a plan. I once mapped out my whole life, planning out exactly how I wanted to live this life of mine. I was so wrapped up in this idea…I was so wrapped up in this plan I missed the true vision for my life. I missed the purpose behind my life. Leaving me in a standstill that I never thought could happen.
Because I looked to the world to define what my life was meant for. By the world’s standards, I often see that the American Dream is to go to college, to get a good degree in order to get the best job. Not the best job for you per se but the best job to gain money. Society has often blinded us from what we could be for what could temporarily satisfy us, to turn our eyes from purpose to material. To let this world, to let money, to let what catches our eyes to determine what we could be. In more biblical terms, letting the flesh rule us.
See, I lived a life planning on a path I was never meant to travel down. Because with no vision, to specify, with no Godly vision, I had no purpose. I had dreams, I had passions and likes, I had a lot.
But no tangible vision for me to hold onto.
A vision from God can do wonders than we first think. For God’s promises are yes and amen. His promises never come void. But will always come true for God is working all things for our good and He won’t stop until the results are good. God has put a purpose in us. He fastened you altogether to do something only you can do. You have skills and gifts for such a purpose. To bring Him glory and to bring His kingdom to Earth. There is a reason you are here today, there is a purpose for your life and you don’t need to go chasing down the worldly view on how to be happy or how to be fulfilled or how to be successful.
God has a vision for you, if you are willingly to open yourself up. To position yourself under Him and ask. If you ask, you shall receive. And this vision He has for you will exceed every expectation. It will make your life prosperous as door after door opens before you. Since once I began to see the bits of the vision, as I got image after image, dream after dream, God’s plan began to unfold.
One being in writing this blog and going down the path of a writer. As I found myself happier than I ever been when pursuing a career pathway. I found myself impassioned and invigorated for everything God had for me. In it, I found myself being fulfilled as I began walk the path God made for me. And He wishes to do the same for you. Simply ask and you shall receive. For there is so much more than what this world offers that awaits you. Riches and success, wisdom and strategy, fulfillment and joy, and so much more.
Seek the purposeful vision God has for you.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.